Period |
7th C. AD |
Place |
Mahabalipuram |
Month |
Iyppasi |
Star (Natshatram) |
Avittam (Dhanishta) |
Hamsam |
Kaumodakee (Mace) |
In Thondai Naadu, a city, which is found on the shore of the sea, which is called as "Kadal Mallai" is found. The Adiyaars (or) the bhaktas who praise the Emperumaan are found in large
number in this Kadal Malai Kshetram.
This Kadal Mallai Kshetram is also popularly called as "Maamallapuram" and as the years passed, this sthalam is now called as "Mahabalipuram". Since this sthalam was ruled by Maamallan, a great of Pallava King, the sthalam is named as "Maamallapuram". This sthalam is also called as "Mahabalipuram" because Mahabali Chakaravarthy, who ruled this sthalam, as asked by Sriman Narayanan who came as "Vaamanar" (Dwarf) asked for 3 feets of land. Since, he could not give him the 3rd feet, he surrended his head as the 3rd one. As a complete surrender towards the Emperumaan, Mahabali was sanctified him to attain Moksha. Beacuase of this, the sthalam is also known as "Mahabalipuram".
Emperumaan Sriman Narayanan is found in some sthalams in Nindra Kolam and in some sthalam as "Veetrirundha thirukkolam" and in "Kidantha Kolam" in some sthalam. Likewise, this is one of the greatest sthalam where the Emperumaan, "Sthala Sayana Perumal" is found in Kidantha Thirukkolam.
Having these kinds of specialities, this sthalam has another speciality to say.
In Siddhartha year, Iyppasi month, Navami, Avitta Natshatram, Bhoodhathalwar was born, who is considered to be the Hamsam of one amongst the Panja Aayudham (five weapons) of Thirumaal, the Koumothagi, the Gadha, in a small Madhavi flower.
From the child hood, his heart and all of his thinking are towards Sriman Narayanan and spent
his life by praising the fame of him.