Hindu Events - February 2007
1. Maha Samprokshanam at Arumbakkam

Sri Sathya Varadhar along with Sri Perundevi Thaayar is found in various Hindu Temples. One among such temple is found in Arumbakkam, Chennai where Sri Varadhar is found with Prayoga Chakkaram. The Maha Samprokshanam is going to happen on 26.2.2007, Monday between 6.00 AM to 7.30 AM in Kumbha Lagnam. All the bhaktas are requested to participate in this grand Mahotsavam and get the blessings of Sri Sathya Varadhar and Sri Perundevi Thaayar.
Contact :
Sri Sathyavaradharajar Perumal Bhakthajana Sabha (Regd),
Sri Sathyavaradharajar Perumal Temple,
Arumbakkam, Chennai - 600 106.
Ph : 94444 52255.
2. Srimath Bhagavath Gita - Gnana Pooja conducted by Chinmaya Mission

We know there are 4 Vedams and all these 4 Vedams are said to the Saraamsam (essence) of Sri Krishnar's Srimath Bhagavath Gita. For this great Srimath Bhagavath Gita, special Poojas and Archanais/Aaradhanais are being performed in ThirupPoor. All the bhakthas are requested to get yourself involved in this great Gnana Pooja and get the blessings of Sri Krishnar. This great event is conducted by ThirupPoor Chinmaya Mission. The event is taking place on 18-02-2007, Sunday at 4.30 PM in Sri Rangasamy Chettiyar Town Hall, ThirupPoor.
Contact :
Mr. S. R. Shanmugham,
Chinmaya Mission, ThirupPoor,
Mr. P. R. Kumar,
Chinmaya Mission, ThirupPoor,
Ph : 984 - 3333500, 3299666.
3. Maha Samprokshanam at Chettipunniyam (Posted by a Visitor of this site)

Chettipunniyam is located near Singaperumal Koil, Kanchipuram district. The Maha Samprokshanam is going to happen on Febraury 8th, 2007, Thursday between 7.30 to 9.00 A.M. All the Bhaktas are requested to participate in this grand Mahothsavam and get the blessings of Sri Devanatha Perumal, Sri HemamBujha nayaki Thayaar, Sri Yoga Hayagreevar and Sri Ramar.
Lord Hayagrivar is another form of Lord Vishnu, in which He appears with the head of a horse and the body of a divine being. The Lord assumed this form to slay Madhu and Kaitabha, the two asuras who stole the Vedas from Brahma. He is the God of Studies. So, bhakthas please visit this temple and ensure your childrens are blessed by Lord Hayagreevar.
Contact :
Sri Yoga Hayagreevar Temple,
Kanchipuram District,
Ph : 274631731, 28173263.