Hindu religion is said to be a great amongst other religion and lots of faiths and practices explain them very clearly to the world. Various outer appearances explain what religion a person belongs to. Brahmin, Kings and lots of Vedic people wear a white powerful sacred thread around their body and this thread is termed as "Yagnopaveetham" (or) "Poonool" in Tamil.
This White thread has a lot of auspicious explanations with itself. According to Hindu religion, if a person is worn with this sacred thread, the purpose of taking this human life is fulfilled. The Poonool (or) Yagnopaveetham is generally worn during the age of 7,9,11,13, etc and this function is done in a very big way. This function is called as "Upanayanam".
After Upanayanam, a set of things to be followed by the person who worn that sacred ponool.
Sandhyavandhanam, a daily practice of doing our pray towards all Devathas should be followed. Aavani Avittam is a great festival as far as a Hindu is concerned. This aavani avittam is celebrated during the aavani month (Tamil) (i.e.) during August - September month.
- Persons, who belong to Yajur Veda, Celebrate this Aavani Avittam during Pournami (Full moon day) in Aavani month.
- Persons, who belong to Rig Veda, celebrate Aavani Avittam on Sravana Nakshatram (star) in Aavani month.
- Person who belong to Sama Veda celebrate when Hastha Nakshatram fall on Panjami Thrithiyai.
By doing this Aavani avittam custom, in a proper way. It is believed that we can reach the highest level in our life.
As far as Vedas are concerned, Gayathri Japam is said to be important among them. The deity who belongs to this Japam is Gayathri Devi. Let us know about the Japam in detail.
"Om Bhoor bhuva Suvaha:
Thath Savithoor Varenyam,
Bargho Devasya Dheemihee;
Dhiyoyona : Prasodhayath."
It is said that Vishwamitra Rishi explained this Gayathri Japam to Sri Ramar and Lakshmanan.
By chanting this mantra, the anger, ill - feelings, jealous etc will be erased from us and Thejus, Aathma Sakthi, Gnana etc will rapidly increase in us. But, simply our mouth telling this Japa alone will not give us any benefit. Our mind should be completely focused towards Gayathri Devi. Minimum of 108 times, if we chant this Gayathri Japa, we can find lots of changes in our daily life. Some people chant for 1008 times also.
But it does not depend on the times that you say this mantra, even if you say this mantra for 10 times in a fully involved manner, it is well enough. But one thing is proved and since, by saying this Gayathri Japa, it will make our life glow and makes way to reach the final destiny.
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