This is one of the great pooja for every married woman, making her wish towards the Goddess, Sri Lakshmi. This pooja is not only women, but also men can follow it.
This pooja is completely dedicated to Sri Lakshmi, who is considered to bless us with great wealth and health.
Sri Lakshmi is the God who gives us the wealthy life. Money is the necessary one that is used to lead our life. At the same time, for every married woman, the thaali (the mangalyam (or) mangal Sutra), the flower and Kumkum are also considered to be the precious thing. So, to attain the wealthiness and lead our life in a good position, women follow this pooja and they do Viradham (fasting) during the time of Sri Varalakshmi Pooja.
This Varalakshmi Viradham comes during the month of Aadi (Aug 15 - Sep 15) month. The Friday, which comes before Pournami, the full moon day in this Aadi month is considered to be the best day to make this pooja happen. Before knowing the way to do the pooja, let us know how and when this pooja was born.
Once, Durvasa Muni, who is considered to be one among the all Munis, went towards Sri Vaikundam to get the Dharshan of Sriman Narayanan and Sri Lakshmi Devi.
Sriman Narayanan gave the Muni a garland of Paarijatham ( a white coloured flower ) and after getting the flower, Durvasar left Sri Vaikundam and on his way to Bhoolokam, he met Indiran, the king of Swargam, the Heaven.
At that time, an idea flashed on Durvasa muni's mind. Since, he being a Muni, who had given all this willingness, he thought that keeping the Garland with him might not be helpful to him. But, if it were in Indiran's hand, Sri Lakshmi would give the complete blessings to him and might glorify the Swarkalokam. Thinking on this, he gave the Paarijatha Garland to Indiran.
But, because of the jealous and head weight, he received the Garland and threw it near his feet. These actions of Indiran made Durvasar angry and gave him the Sabham, that all of his wealth, the beauty and Glory of Indiran and the Swargham should vanish.
As soon as he got the Sabham, Indiran lost all his wealth and the Glory of Swargham got lost. All the Devars including Indiran fell down towards Durvasa muni's feet and asked for Vimocchanam (Remedy).
Durvasa Muni explained them that all should fall towards the divine feet of Sriman Narayanan and Sri Lakshmi.
Hearing this, all of the Devars, along with Indiran went towards Paarkadal and explained Sri Vishnu, what had happened to them. Indiran asked that the lost glory and wealth of the Swargham should return and asked for the needful action to be done to regain it.
For this the Perumal explained that the time for taking Koorma Avathaar has come and during that, the Amirtham, the divine nectar will also come out of the ocean and if the nectar is taken, all of the lost wealth will return towards them.
As said by Sri Vishnu, when Devars and Asuras grind the ocean using the snake, the divine nectar, the Amirtham came out and the Devars drank that and got their wealth and glory back. This is one of the story said that is related to Sri Varalakshmi Pooja.
But, it was Saarumathy, who celebrated this pooja first. She had a great bhakti towards her husband and respected him a lot and at the same time, she did her daily pooja towards Sri Lakshmi. Seeing this great activity of Saarumathi, Sri Lakshmi gifted her with the highest level of the life, (i.e.) the Swargham and also explained the greatness of Sri Varalakshmi Viradham and also said that she should explain about this pooja to the world. As asked by Sri Lakshmi, Saarumathi explained the greatness of this pooja and how to do this.
Now let us know the process of doing this Pooja:
During the day of the Viradham, make the house very clean and put rangoli on the floors, spread the paddy about 1 feet in width and height and one that place a plate spread the rice in it. On the rice, place a small Silver Vessel (or) any other good vessel. Decorate the vessel applying it with Sandalwood (Sandanam), Kumkum, Flowers and a Coconut smeared with Turmeric powder. Chant the Sri Lakshmi Prayer and finally dedicate sweets towards Sri Lakshmi. Before that, tie a small thread that is smeared with Turmeric with 9 knots in it and keep this towards the Kalasam (the vessel). After the offerings are made, tie the knotted thread around the neck.
This explains that by tieing the knot will give us wealth and Thaali Bhaghyam (strength).
After all the customs are over, give the Turmeric and Kumkum to everyone and tie the thread around the right hand. Like this, if the pooja is done in a proper manner and concentrating your entire heart towards Sri Lakshmi Devi, it is 100% sure, she will bless you with good wealth and health.
Sri Lakshmi Gayathri:
"Om Maha Lakshmyacha vithmahae Vishupathanycha theemahee:
Thannao Lakshmi Prachodayathu:"
Sri Mahalakshmi Mantram:
"Thurithouka Nivaarana Praveenae
Vimalae Paasoora Paathu Devavapuae
Pranavapprathi Paathya Vasthiyae
Spuranakyae HariVallabae Namasthae:"
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