A Helpful Crane

Once there lived a person named "Gouthaman", in north. He was a poor andhanan and was married to a girl, who is not good in her thought. Because of this, the andhanan earned his money in a wrong way.
One day, he came near a tree in the forest and sat under it because of tiredness. In that forest, there lived a crane named "Naattijungan", which was a blessed crane by the God. It looked so shining and was wearing some golden ornaments in its body. On seeing Gouthaman, the crane greeted him considering him as the guest. It offered him with various foods.
Gouthaman explained his position to the crane. On hearing, the crane said a way to get out of all of his problems.
"I'll tell you the way to get out of your poverty. There is a place called "Maruvaraham", close to this place, where an Arakkan, (though he is a demon, he was good by nature) named "Virubhakshan" lives. He is a friend of mine and he will be very helpful at his hearts. You go towards him and tell that I sent you. He will help you surely" - the crane said.
As said by the crane, Gouthaman went towards Virubkashan and told that he was sent by the crane. The Arakkan gave him a baggage which had lots of gold. On getting it, Goutham came back towards the crane.
On seeing Gouthaman the crane was very happy that it had helped him by clearing his poverty.
He stayed there that night. Though he got plenty of gold, his negative thoughts did not go away from him. "Since I have to travel a long distance along with the gold baggage, I cant trust anyone and so how do I get the food. So, the best food at that time might be this crane. So, i should catch hold of this crane, so that it can be served as my food."
Like the way he thought he killed the crane by burning it and took along with him. The poor crane in spite of helping, died because of the evil thought.
The next day early morning, Virubhakshan came in search of his friend crane but could not see it. So he sent his soldiers to find him. The soldier found the crane being killed by Gouthaman. They caught him and were grabbed towards the Arakkan.
The Arakkan was very angry on seeing the crane being killed as said he too should be killed as how he killed the crane. Gouthaman was killed by the soldiers by burning his body.
On seeing all these, the Devars sprinkled the Amirthan (the divine nectar) on the crane thereby getting its life back. On getting the life, the crane felt very bad for its guest - Gouthaman and requested that he too should be given life as how it got. On seeing the great character of the crane, the Devars gave his life back. After getting life, Gouthaman felt sorry for his action.
Kids, there are so many great charactered people like this crane, who helps others in spite they are not benefited. Help others and helping others is a great boon that God has given to us.