Slokam in Tamil :

Slokam in English :
After seeing Sita Piratti in the Ashoka Vanam, Hanuman was terribly happy. But, at the same time, he could easily understand the problem what Sita Piratti is facing in the midst of the Arakkis (Demons). Hanuman tries to convince Sita Devi through his polite words, but at that time, Ravanan arrives to Ashoka Vanam and asks Sita piratti to marry him. But, Sita Devi doesn't even see his face and treats him as an ordinary grass (Pul). And, at the same time, her mind thinks of Sri Ramar and because of his absence, she feels for it very much and this mental thought of Sita Piratti and the higher experience is explained through the above mantram.
The Inner Message:
Generally problems that we face are due to the attraction or regression of that particular aspect. And as a result of that, we might get that are might not. If we get that we are happy but at that same time, we worry for that if we could not get that. (ie) if that particular thing gets moved away from us, we feel very bad. In the same way, we get angry on the things what we don't like and this angry later changes to fright.
So, this likes and dislike is the root cause of happiness and sorrow. Great Rishis and Mahans have won against these joy and sorrows (ie) over these this likes and dislikes. Hanuman in this slokam finally says that he really bow down to those Mahans.
The above mantram is explained through Sita Piratti and this is the main aspect that is well explained in Bhagavath Geetha.
Connection with Navagraham:
This mantram should be considered as the "Gnana Upadesham" from Sita Piratti. For Gnana, Guru Bhagavan is the moola (main) graham and this mantram is related to Guru Bhagavan. Pushparagam is the relevant stone for Guru Bhagavan.
So by chanting the above mantram, we get the blessings and Gnana from great Mahans and we can travel through their way to get the Mukthi. Simultaneously, we can have a mental dominance over likes and dislikes, which are the main aspect of happy and sorrow. By the thiruVarul of Guru, we get good respect and favour from others.