Slokam in Tamil :

Slokam in English :
Hanuman starts to destroy Lanka because of the anger on Ravana and his bad action of captivating Sita piratti. Ravanan sends Jambumali, his great soldiers, Aksha kumaran etc to get Hanuman to his palace. But, Hanuman kills all of them and finally, Indrajith, son of Ravanan strikes hanuman through Brahmastiram. Obeying the asthram, Hanuman comes to the Sabhai (middle of the palace). During that time, Hanuman reveals the truth that he is Rama thoodan (diplomat sent by Sri Ramar) and he warns Ravanan that Sri Ramar will destroy the entire Lanka. On hearing this, Ravanan gets angry and orders to lit fire on the tail of Hanuman and asks his soldiers to take him through the streets of Lanka. On hearing this, Sita Piratti weeps for Hanuman and prays towards Agni Bhagavan. The above mantram is the Prarthana of Sita Piratti.
The Inner Message:
This mantram is explained though Sita piratti. It explains that if (Sita Piratti), I am a true wife of Sri Ramar and if I strongly follow Sri Ramar, let the fire on Hanuman doesn't affect him and let the heat doesn't do anything to him. And because of this mantram, the heat of fire doesn't affect Hanuman.
Connection with Navagraham:
To get cure of disease related to skin, Rakhu is the Navagraham, who can solve it. And because of this power of mantram the fire, which is lit up in the tail of Hanuman, doesn't affect him and doesn't create any burns. So, this mantram is related to Rakhu and the stone for him is Gomedhakam.
By chanting this mantram, it will strength their Mangal sutra (Thirumangalyam) Husbands will not have another eye on other ladies; will not be affected by Panja bhoothams.