Sthalapuranam : |
It is said that this Puri sthalam is previously surrounded by a mountain named “Nilachalam”. This part is ruled by a king named “Indrathyumnan” and he thought of building a great temple for Sriman Narayanan.
Once in his dream, the Perumal appeared and said that a sacred tree would be seen on the shore of Bay of Bengal and using that tree, the Perumal needs to be made.
The next day, the king sent all of his soldiers towards the sea and there they found the sacred tree what the Perumal said. The soldiers took the tree along with them towards the palace. To make the Perumal vigraham (idol), the king searched for a great Sirpi (person who does idol). But he could not find anyone who could do the Perumal Idol.
Finally, Vishwakarma, the devaloka sirpi came there as a sirpi and said that he could construct the Idol but at the same time, he placed a request in front of the king and it is that he should be left alone with the tree inside the temple and no one should open it unless he himself opens the door after finishing the Idols.
The king agreed for it and the tree and Vishwakarma were let inside the temple. For more than a month, there was no sound of the Idol being made nor the sirpi came out. Having a doubt on it, the king without resistance finally opened the temple and at once sirpi disappeared from that place leaving the Idols half – done.
The Idols of Sri Jagannathar, Subhathirai, Balabathran were half – done and their hands were not fully completed. Even though the king ordered for various other sirpis to construct other Idols for the temple, it all ended in waste only and finally the king installed the incomplete Idols inside the temple and even today, the poojas are done for these Idols only.