Thiruneermalai is one of the 22 Divyadesams in Thondai nadu and can be reached by travelling very few kms from Pallavaram, Chennai. This Divyadesam is referred to as "Thoyagiri Kshetram" "Thoyam" means water, "Adhri" - hill lock malai; "Thoyadri" means mountain surrounded by water, "Neer" in tamil means water; "Malai" means mountain.
Ksheera Pushkarini, Tiruneermalai Sri Ranganatha Perumal Temple
It is said that Thirumangai alwar came to worship this sthala perumal, and that temple was surrounded by a swelling torrent of water and alwar could not get into the temple. Alwar has to wait for 6 months, so that water could drain. As thought by alwar, the water drained and alwar visited the temple. The place where Alwar stayed is called "Thirumangai alwar puram".
The pushkarani of this sthalam is "Ksheera pushkarini", "Ksheera" means "Milk", so this pushkarani is considered as the "Thirupaarkadal" itself. This pushkarini includes karunya pushkarani, siddha pushkarini and swarna pushkarini.
Ksheerabdhi, refers to the Divine river in Sri Vaikundam. Sri Ranganathar Moolavar of this Sthalam is in Sayana Kolam as that of Sri Vaikundam and so it is evident that this Pushkarini is none other than the Thirupaarkadal theertham itself.
It is said that Lord Narasimhar was overjoyed in the Bhakti of His Bhakthan Prahalathan and because of the Bhakthi, Divine tears oozed out from Him, which dropped into this Pushkarani as "Karunya Padmini theertham". "Karunyam" means "Mercy" and "Karunai" in Tamil. Lord Narasimhan is one of 4 forms of Perumal found in this sthalam (Irundha - sitting posture).
Thiruneermalai Sri Neervanna Perumal
Sri Anima Malar Thayar, Tiruneermalai
It is believed that river Ganga flows into this theertham thereby getting the name "Siddha pushkarini". Also said that the Nithyasuris collected water from Vraja Nadhi for the Thirumanjanam (Holy Bath) for Lord Neervanan of this sthalam and the remaining water is poured into this Pushkarani, thereby getting the name "Svarna pushkarini".
Considering all these facts of this Pushkarini being so sacred and Divine; Spend some time near the Pushkarini while visiting Tiruneermalai Sri Ranganatha Perumal Divya desam