In Thiruppaavai, this Paasuram is termed as the "Paasuram which is loved by the Emperumaan and that's the reason, this Paasuram is said twice in the temples. This Paasuram wakes up the Piratti (Nappinnai), wife of Sri Krishnar. Sri Andal wakes up Piratti and this Paasuram is between Piratti and Sri Andal.
"Nandagoparey! You are great and brave person who can fight against elephants and on seeing your braveness, all of your enemies will hide from you. And, you have a beautiful daughter-in-law , Nappinnai Piratti. Please come out and open the door. As the mark of the day started, the cock has started to sound. The Kuyils in the flowers are making sound for a very long time.
Like you, we are also explaining about the thiru Naamams of Sri Krishnar. We also ask you to join with us to explore about the thiru Naamams of Sri Kannan. So, please come out and open the door."
Words and the meanings: |
Undhum madhakalitraan : This refers to the braveness of Nandhagopar who has the strength of the elephants. (Kaliru - Elephant). |
Nandagopalan Marumagaley : This is referred to piratti, the daughter - in - law of Nandagopar. (Marumagal means Daughter-in-law). |
Kandham kamazhum Kuzhali kadaithiravaai : Sri Andal asks piratti to open the door. Kandham means the fragrance, the sweet air, which is spread from the hair of piratti. |
Vandhengum Kozhi azhathana kaan : Sri Andal says that the cock has started to sound and asks piratti to come out and see that. |